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Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Future: Towards Becoming a Talent Leader

In the previous post we have highlighted how to be accepted and included within the world around. Integrating does not necessarily mean complete assimilation and thus losing our self identity and self in the process. We have to be aware of our roots where we come from and working to have strong values is what I am currently working on; Knowing yourself to Clarify Your Center (CYC). 

Apart from special in the workplace by working with various bosses. We take away the good lessons which we gather from those good bosses to integrate into what kind of a leader we strive to be. I also lucky to be doing work that I love in the field of Healthcare Architecture


Next when we strive for self improvement, it can be done in the various spheres of our lives such as going to self improvement and development courses, professional courses or even formally education. This is why I chose to pursuit my Masters of Business Administration (MBA). At that time, UTM is the university which offer the Healthcare Management concentration which is relevant to my line of work in the Healthcare field. To fully benefit from my time in UTM, I am also currently taking my second concentration which is Strategic Management. To fully be onboard with doing MBA we have embrace the culture or learning and exploring. When I started on my Masters journey, I was fully committed to taking full advantage of being in the MBA programme. 

Our batch during our Economics class with Prof Asan Ali, pre pandemic when we could meet everyone on campus, exchange ideas and have a truly global experience. 

Our batch is a good mix of students, we meet our fellow MBA classmates from Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, China and of course our fellow Malaysians. It great to have a global education in our own backyard, we get to meet people from different cultures.  

Previously I mentioned in class that I am a reluctant leader, I took on my MBA to gain knowledge but I understand ultimately as one progresses up the ladder, we have to shoulder on more responsibilities as a leader. I have worked for 12 years, my grade has alhamdulillah be promoted as scheduled, but I am still in an "executive" role. My work is mostly technical, I execute orders given and carry out project management roles as part of the team (I do not lead a team, and have no subordinates directly answering to me). I expect this to change once I come back with an MBA and I have to be prepared for a more challenging role.

Being the Change

I have high hopes the organization in particular and the Civil Service Department as a whole can carry out the transformation. Some things are beyond our control, but we can start small by changing our own mindset. Make the changes you want to see. I can see my bosses showing me how to do this. Make changes in your own (little) sphere of control. Be efficient. Be passionate in what you do. This will take you places.  

One of the concepts I learnt in marketing which can be applied in our workplace is the Law of Diffusion when trying to make a change. The Innovators are adventurous and are willing to take risks, they always want to be the first to try out the product, or in this instance, the new idea or change that we want to take place. Next comes the Early Adopters, although it will take some effort to convince them to get on board, they will look at the Innovators and say yea why not, lets do this too!   

The problem is to get the ball rolling for the Early Majority (EM) to be on board with our idea, here is where is there is a big chasm. its a very steep hill, to them EM to join us. Once they are on board, the rest will follow suit, the Late Majority don't want to be left out and finally the Laggards will finally have to concede since they are the only ones left behind. Interestingly, this concept can also be applied to the current situation in Malaysia with vaccine hesitancy. 

The Law of Diffusion.

The concept is beautifully explained by my good friend Adiba on her live fb session. I watched the session live in her office (as usual I prefer to be behind the scenes =P) and love it can be applied when we are trying to make a change in the world, or even our workplace. 

Just before her fb live session at Adiba's previous office at Majlis Buku Negara. 

Self Development 

Nora and Juriza and in second semester when we helped with the new students registration. 

To develop ourselves we have to be involved in the community, in UTMKL I was part of the committee in the UTM PGSS AHIBS KL. Nora was the Secretary while I was the Treasurer. They are part of my close circle of friends who encouraged me and kept me going throughout my MBA journey. Although initially reluctant, I challenged myself and continued my role as the Treasurer to support Adiba, who went on to become the Treasurer at UTM PGSS AHIBS cum president of PGSS AHIBS KL. 

Dr Hishan, PGSS AHIBS KL supervisor ahnding a token of appreciation to Mr Julian Neo during a recent event at DHL Headquaters. Mr Julian is DHL Express Malaysia and Brunei Managing Director, he is also AHIBS Adjunct Professor

Creating Connections

Here we are seen pictured with the TM tower in the background (where DHL HQ is located), happy that the event was a success! after the event. 

I was the Program Director and my partner in crime Elmi was the Deputy Program Director. Elmi is my fellow MBA classmate from Indonesia who just graduated last semester, she is a successful entrepreneur and business woman. One of her brands is Elmiare Batik which is featured in her action research. We connected because she is also in a Naval family and understands fully how it is like to always have to move and adapt to new environment and change. I also travel to Indonesia frequently and I love their food! 

The pandemic is taking a toll on everyone, especially for us students who lack the face to face interactions on campus with our lecturers and other students. One of the good things about having everything online is now we can join our classmates in UTM JB and have more options in joining class with UTM JB AHIBS lecturers. Although I have never met in real life, we still connected. I got to know my new group of friends virtually during my third semester. We are a diverse bunch consisting of bankers, engineers, and senior corporate managers. I hope to meet them in real life when the pandemic is over. 

Going Further and Beyond

We all have to go beyond our comfort zones. For example, two of my friends pictured above work abroad, this is an example of global mindset. Four of them have also recently been promoted while doing our MBA. Azizul recently took on a new role as a regional manager. Similarly Adiba recently took on a new role as General Manager at IIUM Educare and IIUM Consultancy. Azizul and Adiba are examples that having an MBA can give you a Competitive Advantage, they were promoted before the even completed their studies! I am inspired by their journey and hope to be able to upgrade myself and my career.  

MBA is not just about attending class and learning theories and submitting our assignments. It's where we upgrade ourselves, make new connections and create lifetime friendships and bonds ❤️❤️❤️. 

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